Shree Aiyer (Former)
Red Deer Polytechnic - Bachelor of Science in Psychology student
Shree Aiyer is a recent fourth-year undergraduate Psychology graduate. Shree is interested in the cognitive development of children and the impact that families have on their experiences: specifically, attachment, self-efficacy of parents, and the formation of positive interpersonal relationships.
Star Clynes
Red Deer Polytechnic - Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Hello! My name is Star! I am currently a research technician for Dr. Jamie Prowse Turner. I hold a Bachelor of Science Psychology degree from Red Deer Polytechnic. My interest in psychology began at a young age and over the years has developed into one of my greatest passions. I hope to further develop my career working with individuals who have experienced intimate partner violence as well as working with first responders to grow resilience.
Amalia Uliniuc (Former)
Red Deer Polytechnic - Bachelor of Arts in Psychology student
Amalia Uliniuc is a recent fourth-year Psychology graduate from Red Deer Polytechnic. Her research interests are within Social, Industrial, and Organizational Psychology, specifically on the breakdown of barriers, engagement, school/work-life balance, and organizational effectiveness to promote the growth and well-being of individuals and their organizations.